Portuguese grey marble blocks selection of February 2021

We begin here our series of blocks stock opportunities of a newly opened marble quarry in the Estremoz area in Portugal. The quarry was inactive for several years and now just re-opened, with a complete new front of extraction that will bring a wide offer of Portuguese marble blocks, colors, and patterns. Here, we present some of the most interesting stock of blocks extracted in February.

Portuguese grey marble block / Grey-White selection

Good quality block that displays a strong pattern and the typical look of Portuguese grey marble. In addition to dark grey color, we see a good amount of white colored areas blended.

Portuguese grey marble block

Portuguese grey marble blocks / Light grey selection

Light grey colored marble blocks, type Ruivina Light. Here, we see the usual pattern and light grey color of this Ruivina Light selection.

Portuguese grey marble block

Portuguese grey marble blocks / Black Lava selection

Couple blocks of Portuguese grey marble showing what is known as Black Lava selection. The pattern is quite clear and present some initial spider-web structure.

Portuguese grey marble blocks

Portuguese grey marble blocks / Grey-Pink selection

A very interesting and beautiful blend, showing dark grey color blended with pink color and some occasional white color. A wonderful block, with more to come.

Portuguese grey marble block

Portuguese grey marble blocks / Dark grey selection

Another Portuguese grey marble block, showing a more consistent color and background, typical of the Ruivina Dark marble. Another selection with some abundance in this quarry.

Portuguese grey marble block

Portuguese grey marble blocks / Black Lava selection

Another Black Lava selection block, showing a dark grey color and some interesting pattern with large light grey colored areas.

Portuguese grey marble blocks

For more information about stock of grey marble blocks, contact us directly.